Monday, 9 November 2015

Our turkish partner school had a certificate of attendance ceremony after the trip to Milan.

They also did an evaluation meeting about the trip

One of the extra activities which our pertner school in Poland did was to introduce into the school's curriculum is job  orientation workshops. The students learn about market, job opportunities, possible ways of future career...

Our partner schools in France and Poland did a live chat in Twinspace. Here are some pictures of the event:

The morning of Thursday, November the 5th : first experience of video conference between polish and French BuddERS ….
It was not easy but we all spent a good moment  and spoke ( a little) about our stay in Milan…..

It is necessary to improve tools for the next weeks, especially for the sound but this first experience is very rewarding …

Our partner school in Italy have written an article about developing business ideas:

How do you figure out if your business idea will be a success?
We are working on Business Model Canvas in order to create an entreprise which would:
  • satisfy market requirements
  • introduce new technologies
  • transform the current market, making it better

Starting from the society which is our school, we have analysed students' problems and needs to create products able both to solve and satisfy them.
We have carried out surveys among the students to understand which problems they could spot in our school. So they did and, indirectly, they gave us the solution.

As students, our main needs turned out to be the lack of

  • healty food
  • activities' organization
  • place to study during the afternoon

According to the first need, we tought to open a bakery in order to sell its homemade products in the school daily.
While we tought of solving the second problem creating a web platform where the secretaries could upload all the informations directly. In this way, all the news would be available to everyone who wants to read them.
Last but not least, we believe in the idea of opening a common room where students could cooperate and help each other.